One of the most annoying stuff Steve Albini has ever said - before i knew any of this - is his dismissal of sampling and use of samples in hip-hop music in the early to mid 1990s in the documentary 'Copyright Criminals' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNCI3yxnpXU) - As a fellow audio engineer I too am a fan of his epic catalogue of artists and albums i grew up with and hold close, however that comment he made and just the way he carried himself didn't sit right with me. feelsbadman.bmp

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It's interesting how many stories about him involve pandering by way of performative bigotry that he would later claim was meant to be ironic (mostly in the wake of the Odd Future incident.)

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indeed - can everyone in the entertainment industry just calm down with killing and the r%#$ and the beating and such... satan gonna satan.

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