Interesting overview & indepth understanding of how YouTube algorithms prioritize what a viewer’s offered to watch. What about YouTube channels that a viewer has previously subscribed? Wouldn’t this also affect what they’re offered to view? Thanks for another well researched topic! Hopefully MurderPop will continue to grow in subscribers! Great job!

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From the info that's public, subscriptions seem count for very little, at least directly. They contribute indirectly by increasing the odds of engagement (comments, likes, and shares,) which all impact what appears in YouTube's suggested videos and impact the secretive P Score system YouTube uses behind the scenes as well. It's unclear if they have an impact on video ratings, or throttling, but users with high P scores seem to suffer from these less often.

Anecdotally, many of my YouTube subscribers report that they rarely get notifications when I post new content, and have to go looking for them specifically.

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