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Following the killing of Travis Anton, a friend of Susan Anton named Ronda Mosley, reached out to a blogger and sleuth with information about her old high school classmate, Susan.
The letter she wrote has now become infamous as it details an early look at Susan’s home life, her family, and her personality and behavior. It is not very flattering.
“[Susan] got nervous easily, and her hands always sweated a lot. I have to say it, and there is no nice way, but she was also a bit odd.” - Ronda Mosley
I believe the person Ronda sent her letter to is a woman named Noelle, who ran a blog called Hedgeblog. Noelle had become increasingly interested in the Delia Day case. She wrote a number of articles about it, and in 2005 was even contacted by Susan herself.
Noelle began saving all of the information she could find relating to the case in a single document, which I believe she uploaded to docstoc.com years later. This document contains the entire letter written by Ronda Mosley.
Please note: Noelle has not responded to my messages requesting to talk, so I cannot prove that she is the author of that specific document. Nevertheless, it contains Ronda’s letter.
As an introduction to the letter, she writes:
“I've recently been contacted by someone with knowledge of Susan's past. They have asked to remain anonymous, and I have sworn to protect their privacy. I'm going to share the information they have passed onto me.
I hope everyone is as thankful to this person as I am. Their insight is a gift to our hungry minds.
Now, without further ado ...”
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Ronda’s Letter:
Susan had two brothers, one who was killed in a car accident when she was very young. She went to the same school her entire life, a very small private school in a small Mississippi town. There were only about 200 people in the entire school, K to 12. Her home town has about 1,000 people in it, and she had lived there her entire life until she went to college in a nearby town.
Her mother was smothering and extremely overprotective. She dressed Susan in clothes suitable for a much much older person, and they were clothes she made herself. Her father was a very sweet, gentle, and softspoken man, and her mother didn't even make a pretense that he was the boss of the household. Her mother was boss.
She grew up in a Christian (Baptist) household, and was very religious. She went to church every Sunday morning and Sunday night, and often on Wednesday nights as well.
Susan developed her own sense of style as she got older, and while she dressed immaculately, she never was really in style and wore what she liked. She preferred to wear very, well, prudish clothing. Never anything sexy or revealing. But her style was unique and suited her personality.
Her make up and hair was always impeccable. It wouldn't be a stretch to say she obsessed over them. Although Susan had went to school with the same people for her entire life, she was not popular, although she was gorgeous. She never quite "fit in" with the rest of the classmates.
She was very quiet, and shy. She got nervous easily, and her hands always sweated a lot. I have to say it, and there is no nice way, but she was also a bit odd. She was very down on herself, all of the time. She thought she was ugly as that is what she had heard from her classmates most of her life.
She angered easily, and one would have to walk on eggshells around her.